Pi clouds
This artistic project is all about thinking on randomness and on the link between maths and nature.
Even if there is not much to do, you can take the opportunity to take a break and to contemplate the sky, calm and yet so unpredictable ...
After that the algorithm has generated the 880th cloud, using the 879th pi digit, it starts calling a "random number generator" which chooses a number between 9 and 0. The goal of this is to observe the differences between a random numbers sequence generated with a computer and a number sequence featuring the pi digits, from the perspective of representing natural phenomenons.
This simulation is using Phaser.js.
I hope you'll enjoy.
The following sonnet is a mnemonic for pi to 75 decimal places :
Now I defy a tenet gallantlyOf circle canon law: these integersImporting circles' quotients are, we see,Unwieldy long series of cockle bursPut all together, get no clarity;
Mnemonics shan't describeth so reformedCreating, with a grammercy plainly,A sonnet liberated yet conformed.
Strangely, the queer'st rules I manipulateBeing followéd, do facilitateWhimsical musings from geometric bard.
This poesy, unabashed as it's distressed,
Evolvéd coherent - a simple test,Discov'ring poetry no numerals jarred.
Each word's length represents a pi digit :
"Now I defy a tenet"
3 , 1 4 1 5 ....
ps : this simulation is not using any 3d engine, I tried to make an illusion of relief and water reflection. Even if the most attentive among you will notice that the exponential function which defines the distance between the clouds is badly calibrated since the perspective seems strange ... I work there ...