First of all let me say that i overscoped very much with this Project. It`s really more of a tech demo then a full game.
But the good thing is that i spend so much time on a easily expandable dialouge system with multiple branches, that i now got a nice Asset for future Projects.
So i will consider it a win XD.
Move Talker using the "A" and "D" button.
If you get close to an NPC and it gets highlighted with yellow, this means you can start a conversation with them using the "E" button.
On the left side you will be shown all possible awnsers you could give the NPC. Select them using "1", "2" or "3".
The Pickometer represents the awareness of the NPC.
It will increase the longer the conversation goes on.
Good answers can lower the awareness, but bad answers increase it
Move Picker using the left and right arrow key.
If you get close to a NPC that is currently talking to Talker, it will get highlighted red.
This means you can start pickpocketing them using "SpaceBar".
A new Window will show up where you reach into theyre pockets. Use up and down arrow to controll youre Hand.
You have to get to the end of the pocket, touch the phone (it will be grabbed automatically) and then navigate back out.
Hitting other things will slow you down and raise the awareness of the NPC.
If awareness reches max, you will get cought and its Game Over.