Pico Hexagon
A PICO-8 demake of Terry Cavanagh's Super Hexagon. The source code fits in one tweet (280 characters).
InstructionsPress the left and right arrow keys to move. On-screen buttons are provided for mobile.
If you die, the game will exit. If you are playing on web/mobile, you will have to restart the game with the reset button at the bottom.
(Note that if you press any other PICO-8 button (up, down, X, O) the game will crash. I didn't have room for handling this, sorry. The on-screen mobile controls only display the supported buttons.)
Source code q=-64x=0r=1p=1/8s=sin camera(q,q)h=p/2v=3k=cos::_::cls()circ(0,0)d=9*k(x+v)r-=2e=9*s(x+v)v+=h/9 if(r<2)c=ceil(rnd(6))/8r=80 ?t(),0,q x+=({0,h,-h})[btn()+1]for a=v,1+v,p do for l=r,r+4 do if(a!=c+v)line(k(a)*l,s(a)*l,k(a+p)*l,s(a+p)*l)end end if(pget(d,e)<6)circ(d,e,1)flip()goto _System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Apr 26, 2019
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