A student-made game project for Studio 694, WCG's in-house game development team. Created by Milly Tzemis (@FaunWithAFez). Milly's portfolio can be found here.
Pigheaded is a game driven by character and story development with a charming 2D art style. With character designs inspired by cartoons like Ren and Stimpy and gameplay driven largely by character interactions and puzzles. Pigheaded is only a demo at this stage, but this level you can interact with one of the characters and try and to get him to stop looking at his reflection in the mirror and to work on his personality.
Use the cursor keys to move, and the mouse to interact with objects/characters.
Follow us at @WCGamesArt
All Studio 694's games are made by students as part of their coursework. We do our best but please expect bugs / glitches / other unexpected strangeness.