The card stacking game!
Piles is a brand new card game with a simple goal. Using a standard deck of cards, stack piles of 27 and create 2 piles to win! But there's a catch... your AI opponent is trying to do the same, thankfully there are some special cards to help you on your way:
- Placing a KING on an incomplete pile destroys it!
- A QUEEN merges ANY two incomplete piles (including your opponents).
- The JACK halves ANY incomplete pile that it's placed on.
The game can end in a few ways:
- A player creates three piles
- A player runs out of cards (player with the most piles wins!)
- Players agree to end the game by mutual consent
- A player resigns.
So what are you waiting for? Grab a digital deck of cards and build some piles!
FeedbackIf you could spare 2 minutes to fill out a 5 question feedback form it would be massively appreciated. Piles is currently in the prototype phase and any comments you have are invaluable.
ContactIf you want to keep up with the development of the game, please follow my Twitter account.