Feel free to try out the new retro sports game, probably the first (and the only one, I hope) table tennis simulator. A lot of emphasis has been placed on faithful representation of the physics of the ball movement, probably all related aspects are taken into account, including curling, reflection from the edges of the table and the net (in full version). It is possible to play against the computer or with two people. Controlling with a mouse, joystick or keyboard. As a curiosity - the "artificial intelligence" of the computer player is contained in 2 lines of code, the entire game code takes about 16 KB, RC Basic language.
Shareware version (simplified but fully playable). The game runs on Windows, there will also be an Android and Linux version (if needed). A deposit of at least $ 5 entitles you to receive the full version of the game.
Traditionally, I encourage you to submit comments regarding the game.