Ping'Fight is a game made during a game jam held at LUDUS Académie at the end of June, with "Patinoire" (or "Skating Rink") as the theme.
This game is a mutliplayer top-down fighting game where 2 to 4 players can play as hockey player penguins and shoot the puck on their opponents in order to knock them out. There are also bonuses that can give the puck special properties for a short amount of time, score a goal to make one of them appear !
This game is only playable with a gamepad
- Menus :
- Use the directionnal pad to navigate through the menu
- Press the A button to select an option
- Press the B button to go back
- In the lobby, press the START button to begin a game
- In Game :
- Use the Left Stick to move your penguin
- Use the Right Stick to turn your penguin around
- Press the Left or Right triggers (LT/RT) to prepare a swing with your hockey stick, the longer your prepare your swing, the more powerful it will be
- Release the Left or Right triggers (LT/RT) to swing your hockey stick
- Game Design : Gaëtan P., Marin S., Oriane V. and Jeffrey Z.
- Programming : Gaëtan P. and Jeffrey Z.
- Art : Marin S. and Oriane V.
- Sound Design : Gaëtan P.
- Music : Philippe-Albert L.