This prototype has been developed by d0td0t in one week for the "RemakeJam 2017".
This prototype is supposed to be a reflexion about learning music theory trough game. There is plenty of ways to play it, each of them with a different purpose.
If I get good feedbacks about it, I may spend another week of develoment on it, to include more songs, a song editor, or a kind of "story mode".
Due to html5 sound limitation, the sound crack on browser version. The downloadable version don't have this issue and looks better as it's not over compressed. However, I'll let this version available for the person who don't want or cannot download the other versions.
Xbox controller
Bird control:------------------------------- Left Stick
Relaunch sound:------------------------------Start
Mouse & Keyboard
Relaunch Sound:------------------------------ Esc
Keyboard bird control:-------------------- ←↑→↓
Mouse bird control:-------------------- Click & Drag
Keys:---------------------------------- Letters from A to G
Switch Octave:-------------------------hold Left Shift
Descending Intervals:--------- Numbers from 0 to 1 (0 for Ten and 1 for Eleven)
Ascending Intervals:------------------hold Left Shift