Pirates (Annie Kennedy)
Content Warning:
- This game includes violence and combat which would have been encountered during the time of pirates on the 'high seas'.
- Due to the nature of the game and combat being portrayed as Queer vs 'Phobic characters, some combat and aggression may be unsuitable for some players.
- Whilst characters jump off the ship when 'defeated' no character is to be considered as 'killed' and should be considered as surviving and either learning the error of their ways ('Phobic Characters) or live full and enriching lives (Queer Characters) away from ocean encounters
- Please take this into consideration for your own wellbeing, mental or otherwise, before playing this game.
Sailing on the high seas is a dangerous business, especially with all the 'phobes out there.
There are crew members out there who need liberating from their horrible crew and would be willing to join the escapades of an adventurous captain who wishes to free them from their situation.
- WASD, Arrows, Left thumbstick => Move player and ship
- T, West Action Button => Toggle between your ship and its captain
- Tab, Left/Right Bumpers => Switch between different captains
- U, Select => Open the Upgrades Menu
- Esc, Start => Quit Game