Pizza Pants: Rest in Pieces
This is a fangame made for Arurandis from Holostars! To celebrate his birthday, I... made a game where his underwear gets destroyed!
Inspired by this tweet .
StoryOga nui is chasing Arurandis for his pizza underwear. Run away from Oga nui and find your underwear!
- ↑↓←→ : move 動く
- Space : Throw tomato トマトを投げる
- Esc:Pause menu ストップ&メニュー
Playtime: <5 min
Don't get caught by Oga nui or he will break your pantsu with a pizza cutter
Credits- Program, pixel art, level design: Rox Freeze
- Music: 233.Haiku, 271.日常午後 // KenKenBgm
- SE: フォーンファ, 失格(カーン・・・), 動き01(ひょいっ)// On-Jin 音人
- Font: ベストテンFONT // FLOP Design
- Special Thanks: Kion, Nsan for Game over screen
This game is derived from Cover Corporation's Hololive property, for non-commercial purposes.
This game is produced according to Cover Corporation's Derivative Work License Agreement.