Planet Invaders (Daddysucc5000)
Planet Invaders is a game where you fight against hordes of aliens on a planet where you and you're crew has crash landed. Use three different guns, turrets and landmines to defend your crewmates while they repair the ship. You will also need to pick up any ammo you find since your gun will quickly run out.
Shop: When you have enough score you can go in the shop and buy either a turret or a landmine. There is no limit to how many you can buy. Then when in the menu again press continue. Not new game. If you press new game you will start over with no score.
Options: To toggle between fullscreen go to the options menu and press the far left button. In the options menu you can also turn on or off sound. If you press infinite level you cannot win the game instead it will countinue until you die. Infinite level is turned off by default.
The music for this game is made by Isonzo.