Plant Me! -Demo
Hello! My Name is Shahneel and I am a beginner in software designing!
In order to download the file access the compressed zip. folder, then un-compress the folder with opening the "Plant Me!" Application *This Game is a Demo and will be fully released at the end of December 2019*
P.S. WHEN OPENING THE FILE PLEASE SET THE RESOLUTION TO *Windowed* in a Horizontal rectangle shape due to resolution issues which dont show the whole game scene
This is my first ever game project which regarding a global issue which is deforestation;
My main focus is game designing relating to the awareness of deforestation on how the world nowadays has been relying on trees and how it’s been rapidly de-treating the importance of trees throughout the years. The outcome of my product will spread awareness on Deforestation as nowadays the popularity of game-plays has been skyrocketed and to use game designing as its fame I will be spreading awareness on deforestation.
If You want to end deforestation I'd Suggest you to visit this site; and to learn more regarding deforestation please visit