Plat/Former #GMTKJam2021
You wake up with the power to shape the world. But you seem to be alone.
A 2D Puzzle Platformer where you must arrange the platforms to reach the end.
- WASD to move.
- Press E to sit on nearby benches and form the world to your liking.
- Click and drag blocks with the mouse - only when you're on a bench
- Press R to reset, for we all make mistakes.
- Coins are not necessary, but a fun challenge.
- Sometimes, we are joined together in ways that can't work out.
- The main character is called Benchamin by the way, our level designer wanted to tell you that.
- Level Design + Concept - Darkfry @DarkfryYT
- Art - Zoltiboi @zoltiboi
- Programming + Music - Harry/Video Games are Bad @HarryNegus