Playground Legends
Developed Mar 11 to Apr 22, 2018 by members of Gamkedo Club
Project Lead, initial functionality, hit counter, drop timeout, sounds (jump, menu, countdown), winner declaration, player 1 run animation: Jose Contreras
Jump control, player animations (jump, catching, throwing), sounds (ball hits, catching): Herleen Dualan
Title art and game logo, pause functionality, screenshake, menu decorative programming (overlay, scrolling background, faded characters): Dana Alcala
Round end and transition, AI walks to ball, sprite flip: Terrence McDonnell
Scoring bug fix, UI refactor and additional scoreboard code, pause dim, canvas scaling: Randy Tan Shaoxian
Player sprite, music (background, 2 for menu), backgrounds (outdoor sky and mountains): Vignesh Ramesh
Scoring, ducking feature, background switching, round timer, volume control, sound balancing: Phil Nicholson
Ball trail and shadow, mouse aim cursor, ball impact animation, AI tuning, classroom background animation: Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Classroom background (concept and art), pause-screen UI blackboard, scoreboard code: Charlene A.
Gravity and throw power tuning, AI follows ball in-air, ball collision fix: Naro
AI throws ball, round reset, additional player color: Abdulaziz
Main menu functionality, sprite animation code, player 2 run sprite: Marcelo P. Sequeira
In-game music, trail and UI polish, audio bug fixing: Brandon Trumpold
Time out bug fix, alternate controls: Luth Haroon
Dodge mechanic, AI tactic randomization: Barış Köklü
Catch by click functionality: Christopher McLaughlin