Plushie Tales
Basic Game Info.
Plushie Tales is a small and simple platformer/sidescroller based on a how my daughter plays with her toys (teddys/plushies) made with UE4 with a story line added to it, basic AI, fun yet simple levels, simple game-play and interesting graphics.
Players can zoom in and out to help with jumping around, spotting AI or find pick ups, pick up gems (players choice to collect) and pick up health. Players can also kill AI if they want to or just rush each level.
This game was never meant to be a "good" game.
Basic Story.
You player as a teddy brought to life by a magical creature in order to fix the humans mess.
The player abilities
-Speed boost
-Jump Boost
Game Features.
-Pick ups for player abilities that will last until the end of a level.
-Multiple enemies.
-Cut scenes to explain the story.
-An annoying companion.
-Main menu and in-game pause menu.
-Some stupid AI
-Health Bar