Pocket Bite d20 (RPG Dice Rolling App)
Pocket Bite d20 is a full featured, simplistic yet satisfying dice roller app created for pen-and-paper role-playing-games! It includes all the standard dice usually used for an RPG as well as the d2, more commonly known as a coin ;)
On desktop, the application gives you the freedom to scale the window to any size you need even while running so you can keep your undoubtedly organized GM session as neat and tidy as ever!
POCKET BITE?This dice rolling app can be used for any game but was specifically created for Pocket Bite RPG, an easy to understand and quick to learn, storytelling, multiplayer role-playing game (RPG). To learn how to play, follow the link below to the Pocket Bite website where you will find all the rules as well as many helpful resources to get you started!