PoliTO Explore
We are a group of students of "Politecnico di Torino", this project has been developed during the "Virtual Reality" course provided by the university.
PoliTO Explore is a virtual 3D map of "Politecnico di Torino" university campus which is freely explorable by the user.
We took inspiration from apps with the aim of making known a new environment like Google Street View and also youvisit.com, a website that allows you to explore university campuses in a similar way like Street View, but based on a real time navigation of the environment typical of videogames and first person simulators.
This experience has the objective of making freshmen discover the university's environment during the pandemic.
CommandsWASD - Player Movement
Mouse - Camera Movement
E - Interact with objects
Left click - Pick up objects
Right click - Throw objects
Esc - Toggle pause menu
Aralla Edoardo
Arena Giorgio
Ercole Lorenzo
Ghibaudi Lorenzo
Vulpe Vlad Stefan