Polterheist reviews

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Microsoft from Deutsch
"Polterheist" is a First-Person Game with Slump and Spirit. We're a Burglar. With List. On it says everything we want to steal. Very intelligent, we don't seem to be. What else would we need a List for. Or why we leave the Headlights on our Van. Or why we have to find a Flashlight first and didn't bring one ourselves. Completely incomprehensible also why we are launching our Robbery in the first place, because standing at the Door we hear the difficult Steps of what subsequently turns out to be a deadly Spirit. In addition, the Game is the best Proof that Smoking is fatal. Because we feel a Cough Stimulus every three Metres. In order to Suppress the same, we must quickly press a Mouse button, otherwise the Poltergeist will hear us and we will be faster than we can tell Steven Spielberg. The Spirit itself becomes less frightening, however, when one notices that it simply runs the same route again and again in the very small Cottage. It becomes Visible anyway only as Periodic flare-up of the Air. You can confidently stand a Metre next to him as long as you don't cough. Horrors arouse very different Things in this Game. That when we leave the property through mind open gate and walk a few Meters further, we happily fall off the Map, about. Or that our Van seems to have loaded a black Hole, because the Interior swallows all The Photons of our Flashlight. Or that we can jump through closed Windows. Mind You, they are still closed afterwards. You just glides through the Wall. Nice Tactics by the way: Go to the first Floor, which will take off the List and just jump through the Wall outside. Causes Wonderfully. Then Maybe takes ten Minutes to defeat the Game. What doesn't really work out well, though, is picking up the List items. We can only pick up one at a time and we have to keep it floating in front of us. This only works to a limited extent. If you start somewhere, he likes to fall through Walls and you can look for it. So Gamemechanically, the Game is the last Rotz. Graphically, it's the usual Unity one. Not bad, but also very generic. For this, the Sound has succeeded quite well. The game is Best summed up by the Back entrance of the House. If you open this Door, behind it is a tiny, completely empty Space of two Times two Meters. No Door, nothing. Present, but completely senseless. And the same is the whole Game. Rating: 6/10 Atmosphere 2/10 Story 6/10 Graphic 7/10 Sound 2/10 Game Mechanics niinos 10 Balancing 2/10 Game Pass Conclusion: Technically questionable gameplay disaster. 3/10 Overall Rating