Pongy remade for the 285427th time 50 years later
● This game was built built using Raylib!
"Pongy remade for the 285427th time 50 years later" is one of the multiple classic Pong-like games available nowadays.
This version includes a "player vs machine" mode and a "player vs player" mode, as well as some cool powerup events.
● Controls:
AS keys to move Player 1 Paddle.
UP DOWN arrow keys to move Player 2 Paddle.
You can pause the game with the ESC key.
Yep, that's it!
● Known issues:
- The ball bounces faster vertically in ultrawide resolution.
- The game is overall more challenging in a narrow resolution.
- The Fullscreen button still says "Fullscreen" instead of "Windowed" after you set the game to fullscreen.
● This game was made as a College project! (1st year)