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A prototype for a chess rogue-lite where you move upwards and defeat enemies to gain cards that give special abilities or increased range.  

Enemy pieces can only move up to 2 tiles, search up how the chess pieces move if you don't already, as that will be a big help.  

To play simply click on the player (the horse bird hybrid thing) and click on where you want to go, currently only the rook is in the game with a distance of 3 tiles.  In the full game you can start of with different pieces.

The style was inspired by the Pop Art of Andy Warhol and Keith Haring.  All drawn in ms paint and transparency was added using piskel.

With only 2 days, I ran out of time to implement the ability to change starting piece, although the code is in place, and some moves may not be 100% correct as I finished implementing them in the last 10 minutes.   There are some bugs that I didn't have time to fix either, just reload if you can't click on the player anymore.

I do plan on taking a couple weeks to fix it up and maybe make a full version.

Challenges done:

  • Draw your assets without a drawing tablet.
  • Try to make the title/logo without any real type/font.

Fixed major bug that made the game freeze and not play audio.

Bugs/Features that will be fixed after the jam - 

Features -

Cards after clearing out "rooms" that give special abilities or increased range and then moving screen upwards with rooms having obstacles or special spawns.

Screen Shake, Post Processing, Improved Graphics, Animations, Particle Effects and overall more polish.

Being able to select starting character. (such as choosing from base moves of all the pieces and some of them start with abilities)

More color pallets unlocked from playing, some will keep the pop art style while some will be completely different.

Bugs -

Pieces moving without being able to move like that (bishop moving horizontally)

Being able to move in same spot.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: May 3, 2021

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