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This is a little project I have been working on for the last 10 months on my own. This is the first Beta Release, let me know what you think. 

Game Plot

Pharmaceutical giant Medcore new drug VaX was hailed as the answer to the global Covid19 pandemic. The world was just starting to return to some form of normality after lockdown. For the first 2 years, everything was fine. It was only after about 80% of the world's population had been vaccinated that the first reports of Public violence started to surface and then "The Great Dying started". The thing is, they did not stay dead.  When it became apparent that the cause was the VaX vaccine the world went into meltdown. Governments quickly lost control. The States, UK, Russia, EU are all gone. 

In  South Africa, our Government was one of the few countries to go with a cheaper alternative so at first, we were ok, but it got in.  As a last desperate throw of the dice before it collapsed the government deployed nuclear weapons in Cape Town to try to contain the infection.

That was 10 years ago. A few of us managed to get to the relative safety of Robben Island where we have managed to survive.   We constantly need to send people into town to find supplies and check up on the rooftop hides scattered around town

We have run out of volunteers a while ago, so now we have a lottery and the winner has to go and do a 30-day mission in Cape Town.

Guess who is this month's lucky winner.

Welcome to Cape Town, 2032... Population 0... about to 1

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Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Android

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Last Modified: Nov 12, 2021

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