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Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
In itself, a really good Idea to produce a Porn Tycoon But the Implementation is unfortunately poor.
It is and will remain a pure Economic Simulation. However, If you Value the visual Detail, you shouldn't buy the Game! And who, of course, expects Nudity .. Forget it (but that's already in the Description ..!)
What's good?
-The many Options. Each Performer has different Abilities, they also arrive at different levels in different Countries etc. In addition, there are the Special Topics, which vary depending on the Week, etc. There is no shortage of diversity in this regard.
-Improvement of "Skills": Performers (and oneself) improve from Film to Film. This increases the Revenue as more Films or Scenes you produce. Those who could hardly set a Light properly at the Beginning, for example, can end up being a true Professional in it.
-Detailed Summaries. Where does the Produced film stand in The Product Cycle? How Many Revenues compared to other films of competitors or even your own Etc. Analyses are clear here. Whoever is a Marketing Freak will certainly find the Game good.
-Photoshoots, Scene Sales etc. There are numerous Options besides the Movies. You can also hire Stylists, a Camera Team, etc.
What's bad?
-The Graphics themselves don't bother me at all. What bothers me enormously, however, is the Fact that you make Films from self-produced Scenes and finally you can design Covers (+ including your own Logo) for them. However, the Cover options are so ugly and outdated-even the Covers of every €1 product in the Sex Shop look better.
-Producing Films, participating in the Shooting sounds INTERESTING ONLY: Performers have exactly 1 Pose. This is absolutely the same for the Cover of Films, for the Suggestions of the Actors and both on Set. Nothing is worried. No Change! Especially when you cast 1 Person for the hundred Time it's just extremely monotonous and boring. In my Opinion, at least depending on the Type of film (vanilla, romantic, extreme) or Scene-bates, different Poses could have been installed, if no "Moving Images" already.
-In "Action" you only see black, censored Tiles-at least there is a Coil Function like with other Tycoons.
-The Interface is more habitual but learnable (including Tutorial-the second of which was lost to me and I could not play at the End).
-Difficulties with the English Language? Rather leave your Fingers off it! The Interface is already in need of getting used to.
Conclusion: The Game is not in itself such a bad Economic Simulation. If.. Yes if .. The Developers would have put just as much Detail into the visual Implementation. In My Opinion, you could have omitted all the Visual (the Shooting And Filming locations, the covers, the different Positions you can choose, etc.), because it's just unnecessary and you wonder why it was built in in the first place. The Game has a clear Focus: Proper use performers, Equipment and the final Marketing Of the Final product. With Porn only the "Descriptions" of the Actors and Scenes have something to do-> you would exchange the you would have within a short Time a Kids movie Tycoon.