Poulpes Mutants: Ultramarathon
Tired of lockdown ? Missing the bets, the beers, the boys ? Wanna take a breather ?
We got you. And coconuts.
In Poulpes Mutants : Ultramarathon, you will rediscover the joy of betting on the right horse while enjoying the sweet thrill of cheating twisting fate.
- Chose your bet among a vast pool (even though we're at sea) of horses and their gentloctopuses riders with their own stats
- Defy the odds by tapping into your horse's unknown strength
- Or for more reliability, simply throw coconuts at the winner. Accidents happen.
- Fuse horse and jocktopus to crawl through hazardous areas
- Drink beer. If you're not underage.
And most importantly, bring your friends in with Parsec !
You need a controller to play the game
Art : Manasseh Rakotoasimbolah (and some help from Inès)
Bar background : Séléna Pavarino
Game Design : Séléna Pavarino // Aurélien Fontaine // Éloi Fromangé-Gonin // Christophe Amorim Rodrigues
Dev : François Dessarts // Yannis de Macédo // Alexis Sainsard
Sound Design : Éloi Fromangé-Gonin
Production : Audrey Amiable // Tristan Solaro