Power in a Name
There's power in a name. If you can learn the name of your enemy, you can use that knowledge to defeat them. This fact would be very helpful for the current monster invasion if anyone else believed it. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Now you're traveling into a dangerous cave with no fighting experience to try to prove them all wrong. The only weapons in your arsenal are a simple game of hangman and some spells you learn along the way. The fate of humanity in on the line.
Arrow keys to move
X - Input
Z/O - Back
Hold down Z/O and press the up arrow key on the start menu to toggle cheat mode. The top-left corner will show you the monster's name, and the top-right will show you if the currently selected quiz answer is correct.
3 levels of procedurally generated monsters
11 spells (+ your field notes)
9 facts to learn about the power of names
2 books (your journal and your fieldnotes) that continually update as you play
Please let me know if anything about the game is confusing. Although this game is fairly short and simple, it's by far the most feature-heavy game I've ever made, and I'm not confident that I explained everything well.