Project 01 | Runner, Run!
alternate taps between J - K keys to run forward
hold and release F key to move up a speed
hold and release D key to move down a speed
press R to reset game
remaining Sprint time is indicated by energy bar on lower right.
My final project for Playcrafting's Unity course.
Despite it being uploaded later, "Runner, Run!" was my first independent Unity project. We had around 3 weeks to work on our project for the class. At the beginning of development I struggled even beginning, overwhelmed by all these features that I wanted to implement in my first game.
"This would look cool? Why don't I try and add it!"
"Oh...this wasn't what I planned but let me add this other feature!"
"Hmm, how would this look?"
These thoughts popped up throughout development and I believe that they were the result of not having a strong design document before hand. I quickly realized that I had no solid idea of the technical scope of the features I wanted to implement; to remedy this issue our instructor stated that we should focus on one core mechanic. This would be our foundation and what we would build our game around. With that in mind, I started digging through documentation and programming away at "Runner, Run!"
The final project was finished on-and-off well past the deadline and while this game is nowhere near what I had envisioned when I began, I eagerly look forward to returning to it once I have polished my developer skills.
"Runner, Run!" taught me the importance of scope and having a solid design in mind before I begin a project - and I'm okay with this.
(musical themes were composed by my good friend, Logan Vrankovic! feel free to contact me if you would like to get in touch with him)