Project 2D - The Game.
Game created to learn some Unity and C#. Expect bugs and lack of balance.
The game is a 2D side-shooter where you have to protect the core. You have some buildings to help you out. Buildings cost currency (obtained by killing enemies). You can build on the green nodes only.
- Space: Jump.
- Left Mouse Click: Shoot.
- A/D: move Left/Right.
- S + Spacebar: Go down yellow platforms.
- R: Reload weapon.
- G: Throw grenade (if key is maintained the grenade can be cooked!)
- TAB: Change grenade.
- 1/2/3/4: Select Pistol/UZI/Shotgun/Electrifier.
- E on node: Build menu.
- Shift: Move camera.
- ESC: Closes the game.