Project: AIKO
In 2000, The Digital world and the physical world collided through Cosmos Zero. Protected by the organization known as Cosmos, The Cosmos Zero stayed connected to and started merging with the real world. This allowed for technology like no one would have ever thought. The organization began doing experiments. In 2005, they created the AIKO System. The AIKO System is a system of advanced code and protocols that can be put in the place of a real human brain. The organization tested this technology on 17 humans, creating Project: AIKO. All the experiments worked as Agents for Cosmos until 2009. This is when a Cosmos Agent rebelled against the organization and destroyed 1 out of the 5 simulations that keep the Cosmos Zero and the natural world connected. That agent will soon disappear into thin air. being marked as dead. Until one day in 2015...