Project Isolation Alpha
Hi! Welcome to the Project Isolation Alpha test.
This is an early way for me to get feedback on the game and make really important changes. It's totally free to download and play, and will continue to grow as the game progresses. I'd love it if you could download it and try it out, then tell me what you think either through the comments on the page, or the feedback form available from the pause menu :)
The game will be updated quite frequently, both with bug fixes and feature updates. The Mac version will get the most frequent updates (as I'm developing on a MacBook, so I can only natively compile to Mac), with updates to the Windows/Linux versions coming on a less frequent basis (to compile them, I need to launch a virtual machine and modify the project files). If there's another format that you'd like the game in, just let me know :)
If you'd like to follow the development of the project, you can do so on the public Trello board or on my YouTube Channel :)
The game currently only supports keyboard input, with keybindings as follows:
Movement - WASD
Jump - Space
Vault/Mantle - Space (while near a wall)
Slide - C (while sprinting or in the air)
Fire - Left Mouse Button, Q (for users playing on a trackpad)
Reload - R