Project: New World (Prototype)

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Project: New World: An open-world, creature collector where you can explore the three islands that holds hundreds of different and unique Kemos that you have the ability to catch. Controls:

WASD to move

Mouse to look

Right Click to aim

Left Click to fire Spirit Orb

E to interact

Ctrl to sprint

Feedback Forms and Write a Quest Information 

Feedback (Completely Anonymous)

If you want to write your very own quest, join the discord server and I'll give you the template to write your very own quest.

The Story:

Professor Sessile, with the permission from your mother will allow you to take on the Emblem trials. Each island has their own trials that you have to take on, some are about battle, some wits. After collect all the Emblems on the island you have the ability to take on the Grand Festival. Each island is different on how you are able to take on the Grand Festival, Aresu does a tournament style to see who is the best of the twenty contestants, while Agrias you battle the five best leaders in the region. 

The Kemos

In this game you will collect over a hundred different creatures called Kemos, they come is all different shapes, sizes and variants. For example when you first start out your mother will give you Kohyostubi, they can either be found in an ice or fire varient. However there is also the elusive Hikari form. 

Regular Kemo vs Hikari Form What are they?

The easiest way to tell if a Kemo is Hikari variant is by the lumos orbs behind it. If you see the orbs behind it, that means it is going to a Hikari form.

What are the differences?

The major two difference between the regular and hikari form are that they are harder to catch, when throwing a Spirit Orb, a regular one has a 3/11 chance of catching one, while a Hikari needs to do two checks of 3/11. The second difference, they could have a two or three stat boost over the regular, causing them to be more effective in battle.

How can you obtain them?

There are two ways of obtaining a Hikari variant, the first one is by catching it out in the wild. They will have a 1/1024 chance of spotting one out in the wild without boosts.

The Second way is by hatching one from an egg, you have a 1/128 change of getting one from breeding two Kome together and a 1/96 chance of getting one if at least one is already a Hikari variant. 

Spirit Orbs

Spirit Orbs are the link between human and Kemo. When the Kemo gets captured in a Spirit Orb their souls bond together which causes them to work together.

The Islands:

On your journey, you will have the ability to go to six different islands, however there are three that will be crucial to your story. The islands are Aresu, Lichon, and Agrias. 

Aresu is know to be the wealthiest island and typically holds the most cities. It is also the place that you will start your adventure at, and in the city of Aresu they have to well known Professor Sessile teaching students all around the world to become a trainer. 

The second island is Lichon, they are known to be the first ever inhabited island in the trio. They also hold the largest company in the entire world, known the manufacture the Ani (アニ), a Kemo that will be essential to your adventure.

The final island, Agrias, they are know to have the largest battle facility in the entire region. Only the top battles have the privilege to battle at the top of the tower. On average four trainers a year are allowed to compete for the leader's position.

Very Early Concept Kemos


Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Sep 17, 2021

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