Project Ninja (Mike West)

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This is a big work in progress.  Due to my other classes and assembling my portfolio, I decided to try to put something together myself.  I didn't want to drag any team down if there were days I wasn't able to do work.  I'm going to continue updating the project and turn it into a functioning game.

It was intended to be a one screen fighter, where the enemies would spawn in and your goal was to defeat them.  There would never have been a win condition, just a lose condition, and you would be playing for high score.  The theme of slow I didn't get to incorporate was the enemies would get so overwhelming that you would have to use your ability to move so incredibly fast everything else slows down (time slower).  I also had an idea to include one big enemy slower than the rest but was harder to defeat.  In the end, how fast time is defeated me ironically. 


A + D to move.

V to attack.

B to jump.

Unity is saying that "Could not find any supported UWP SDK installations" so I can't make a downloadable file at this moment, I can only web build. 

Release date
Mike West
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

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Project Ninja (Mike West) screenshot, image №3622547 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Oct 24, 2022

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