Project Ry

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Project Ry is a VSRG designed to merge your typical mania-style game and more arcade-style games like MaiMai.

So, what's in the game right now? Features:
  • Importing custom maps
  • Easy to edit json-based map data
    • Built-in map creator/editor
  • VSRG-style gameplay
    • 4-key mania-style gameplay
  • Discord Rich Presence support
    • Displays song title
    • Displays song difficulty
    • Displays album art of certain songs or game logo if unsupported
    • Displays a customizable description of the current song
What's next? Planned features:
  • Arcade-style/exciting gameplay features
    • Sliders - Notes which appear on-screen that need to be followed with the cursor
    • Hold notes
    • Hype metre - A metre displaying the current "hype" (intensity of the map combined with your current performance)
    • Hype notes - Notes which change the way the game scrolls
    • "Flick" notes - MaiMai-style sliders but requires less precision
  • Save those scores
    • Local per-song leaderboards
    • Import your friend's scores
      • Import your friend's replays
      • Compare yourself to imported-replays/scores
    • Exportable replays so you can brag to your friends about all those great scores you got
  • Storyboarding
    • "static" storyboards which look the same no matter how your performance is
    • Interactive/dynamic storyboards which can change depending on your score/performance or even change how the game looks
  • Phone support
    • As this is a game which would hugely benefit from a tablet/touch screen, mobile support is planned but not in any active development
  • Skinning support
    • Customize your experience with custom skins
  • Custom offset
  • Settings
  • Built-in songs
Does it come with any songs?
Short answer:


Long answer:

No, not right now as I do not have the money for licenses nor the talent for making music and am focussing more on adding features than looking for free music, but it will eventually. Any songs you see in screenshots are not available in the public build of the game and are only for testing purposes.

Okay, how do I use the editor?

It's simple! Enter the editor, click either "Edit an existing song" or "Create a new song", if you're creating a new one, please enter the title of the song, the difficulty you are going for, a name for the difficulty, the Discord RPC description, the RPC image, the name of the audio file (must be in .ogg format), and the scroll speed.

All these can be changed later.
Once you have saved the creation, navigate to the songs folder ({game location}\ProjectRyborn_Data\Songs\{song name}) and place the audio(.ogg) file in the folder, along with a 1400x1400 image titled "cover.jpg" for the song cover.

While you're here, please open up SongInfo_[difficulty].json and set "EndTick" to the length of your song + 2000 in milliseconds.

Now you can edit your song! Simply enter the editor, click "Edit an existing song", open the song you just created, and start creating.
A - Place note in Lane 1 at current time
S - Place note in Lane 2 at current time
D - Place note in Lane 3 at current time
F - Place note in Lane 4 at current time

[Space] - pause/play song
Scroll up - Skip forward in song
Scroll down - Rewind song

You can also manually edit the song in the "SongInfo_[difficulty].json" file if you'd like, the formatting is as follows:

SongTitle - The title of the song
DifficultyName - The name of the difficulty
DiffLvl - The difficulty level of the song
SongFile - The name of the  .ogg file
SongDesc - The description which appears in Discord Rich Presence
ImageID - The image name for Discord Rich Presence (Set to "projectry" if you're not an official mapper
BPM - The song BPM, will be dynamic in the future but is a constant speed for now
NoteBeats - A list of each individual note location. 1 corresponds to lane 1, 2 to lane 2 and so on
OnTick - The tick (millisecond) that each note occurs on. For example, if the fourth value in Notebeats is 3 and the fourth value in OnTick is 6000, there will be a note on land 3 at 6000 milliseconds into the song
Lane - Currently unused. Will be used for visual effects eventually
ListHold - Currently unused. Will be a list of notes which are hold notes
HoldLength - Currently unused. Will be the length of each hold note in milliseconds
EndTick - The end of the song, please set this to ~2000 ms after the final note
LocalScaling - The scroll speed of the song. Scroll speed is calculated as 1,000 ÷ LocalScaling

How much will it be? 100% free!

The game and all of its features will always be completely free although I may consider taking donations if there is significant interest in the game

So when will it be available? It's complicated.

It is available in a very unfinished state right now but is missing lots of features that will be available in the final version. If you're looking for a specific date of when it'll be finished, I'm hoping for some time before December 2020 but that's optimistic and depends on if the project is even finished. A more realistic timeframe would be some time in the summer or autumn of 2021 assuming college doesn't get in the way.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

Edit the game info
Last Modified: Aug 7, 2020

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