Protect The Planet (nostram)
Protect the Planet was built for the Ludum Dare 46th Game Jam. The theme was Keep it Alive. Everything was created by me in one weekend. There is no audio because i ran out of time. Also, the version i submitted did not have a tutorial or ability to track score.
In Protect The Planet you have to keep the planet safe from incoming threats. Currently there is only asteroids incoming. You places lasers on the planet to destroy the asteroids. Your place vacuums down to suck up all the asteroid debris to increase your defense fund to place down more items. You have a limit of three items to place down at the start of the game. You need to buy more platforms to build more defense items (lasers and vacuums). Currently the game is endless, but will get harder the longer you last.
Controls are simple. Left mouse button to select defense items. Items will be placed on screen. Use left mouse button again to drag and drop the item on the planet. If you continue to hold the left mouse button down after the items have attached to the planet you can move it around the planet and place it where you want. Use the escape (esc) key to pause the game. In the pause menu you will be able to go back to the main menu and restart or quit the game.