Protector of the Forest (pawciut)
# The Protector Of The Forest
Ludum Dare 46
On Strategic view:
NextDay -> there is a chance of events/missions to spawn on map, if event expires it applies effect (probable damage to the forest)
So far missions can only be resolved automatically by clicking button "Auto" (Autoresolve).
(Tactical playing the map was not finished on time so button "Go" is disabled)
Our commando will deal with hostiles and then proceed with the mission.
Bear will gain exp by completing missions and slaying enemies.
(Unfortunately skill tree menu doesnt work, so there is no leveling up implemented)
#From Authors
Was supposed to be turn-based strategy game. Inspiration came from such games like X-Com, Fallout, HoMM etc.
Unfortunately we could make the mission fully controllable (only drafts are available in "How to play"). So instead we added "Autoresolve/Autocombat" option for missions that appear on the strategic view
Our team worked really hard and some of this work we didn't have time to impement.
We were working on some cool features like pathfinding, advanced combat algorithm (hit chance, dodge chance, attribute modifiers).
We hope we might get to finish this prototype as we imagined, after the LD46 is done.
Thank you and have fun!