Proto Mecha Game
Made for Mechjam III using Godot, Blender and Audacity, Proto Mecha Game is a first draft of a game inspired by the classic Mechwarrior2: 31st century combat. I had lots of fun doign this and trying to put a new twist on graphics I held as incredible a long time ago.
What's in there? You can go around three navpoints, take in the beautiful scenery, shoot at some turret and a few terribly-piloted mechs, jump at leisure and complete three simple objectives. Get stuck in some terrible collisions inbetween terrain and decorations, fall off the word edge and launch some broken suppository-like rockets are options too. But hey, there's a PPC.
What about controls? I experimented a bit with dual stick joypad for this, something I'm not too familiar with in the context of mech games, so there are a few caveats. But first, here is a nice infographics to explain a bit better:
What's with the red dot? The red dot is the ground projection of the square crosshair, and when using the default camera the two are separated. This allows for level shooting even when you aim at the ground right next to the mech. You can override this behaviour keeping R2 or spacebar pressed. Shooting dirt is a nice way to release some stress from time to time, I'm nt judging. When using turret or cockpit camera, the twoo parts are kept aligned all the time.
- Design, code, graphics, shaders, some sound bits by me, ilBarbogio
- Outline shader by firerabbit, found on
- Music and SFX by Sidearm Studios, with heavy remixing by me