|Prototype| Dice Tower Defence

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Comment ideas for where to take this, moving forward.


When the 2022 GMTK Game Jam took place I was unable to participate, partially due to not being as familiar with unity as I am now and partially because I did not have the means to run said unity.

Upon rewatching GMTK play through his favourite games of the jam, I've been inspired to make a game fitting that theme, though not within the 48 time limit--I'm taking it slow for now as it's still one of my first games.

This prototype is here to get feedback on the mechanics implemented and ask for ideas for what direction to take the game moving forward. Here are some of my ideas and inspiration.

What is in this prototype

  • The D6 bullet only damages enemies when shot out of a turret. I'm experimenting with the idea that the player has to constantly manage the location of the dice and has to frantically micromanage them and what they do.

Early Ideas

  • Dice will roll a random number every time it's fired. Then:
  • Dice will do random amount of damage depending on what number it rolls 
  • Rolling a 'nat 1' has some sort of negative effect. Perhaps the dice turns evil and tries to hurt you in some way, or perhaps the enemies can commandeer the towers.
  • Different types of dice do different things.  As of this prototype, only a D6 (6 sided dice, but modelled by a square) has been implemented
  • Some sort of obstacle that the dice can get stuck behind. The idea for this is that the player will frantically have to search for the dice and complete some challenge to get the dice back. Perhaps some minigame pops up when trying to retrieve the dice.

What isn't in this prototype

  • No health system or win/lose system has been implemented. Still trying to decide what I want the core gameplay loop to be.
  • More than 1 dice
  • More than 1 type of turret
  • Any objectives at all
  • Sound

Where should I take this, moving forward? What ideas do you have for this game? What's the most fun bit to you (For me it's the dragging dice back to the tower. I don't know why, I just find it really satisfying) and what would you like to see this game become?

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: Jan 27, 2023

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|Prototype| Dice Tower Defence reviews and comments