Prystalia: Sentinel of Spessartite
*NOTE* Please use the control scheme below and disregard the one presented in the game.
S: Down
Sample combination:
D+U: generic attack
S+U: generic attack
S+D+U: generic attack
I+D+U: for MP
I+S+U: for HP
I+S+D+U: for DPS
Each attack has its own cooldown until it can press again. Meaning, The player can not execute the same move in quick succession. For example, when the player press S+U, they can not press S+U again immediately after and has to wait for a while until the cooldown for S+U is up.
So, it is recommended to juggle between different attacks. For instance, S+U, then press D+U immediately (no need to wait for the S+U animation to finish), then S+D+U immediately. By following this, by the time the player finished executing the S+D+U command, the S+U's cooldown would most likely have been up.
The charge attacks (red projectile) are superior compare to regular attacks (orange projectile) but required at least 25% charges for each execution.
Charge gauge:
The orange bar below the blue MP bar is a charge gauge. Some of the attacks required charges to use.The player can gain charges from attacking.
Once the player gain at least 25% charges, the "charge mode" can be activated by pressing the "I" button, the charge gauge will turn to green as an indicator. Press "I" again to deactivate the mode. The purple color indicator was added so that the player could use their peripheral to realized that they had gained at least 25% of charges.
During the "charge mode" if regular attack command is pressed e.g. D+U, then 25% of the charge gauge will deplete, and the player will execute a more powerful version of that attack. Beware that, the MP regeneration rate will drop drastically if the charge gauge is high.
Heat gauge:
The yellow bar above the player's head is a heat gauge which will increase the damage output up to x1.5. The player can gain heat gauge from attacking and will deplete as the player idling from attack.
Game: Mystialic
BGM: Ambience, Wind Chimes, A by InspectorJ
This project commenced around early September. At around that time, I wanted to make something similar to some of the Vanillaware game (Odin Sphere, Dragon's Crown, etc). However, I can't really draw humans, so I ended up going for a mech/ humanoid hybrid design.
I was planning to have a much more elaborate plot and world-building with the 'Faith' theme. Then realized they are a bit too large, so, I had to cut most of them out and changed to something totally different but much more manageable.
I always wanted to write a hardware specification style document but for mechs, certainly would like to do it again.
The control schemes are a bit convoluted because at first, I wanted to have traditional fighting game style motion inputs e.g. Hadouken (down, down + forward, forward, light punch), etc. But, then I ran out of time to add more moves. I could make them a simple one-button hit, but I want to keep the motion input. So, it ended up like this.
Had a LOT of fun playing around with the particle system. Not sure if they are too cluttering.
I never really paid attention to lighting and stuff, but, oh man, I was blown away by how much simple light bulbs can impact the graphics. Though it is quite tricky and I still haven't got the hang of it.
I made all of the SFX from glass shattering sound, definitely an enjoyable experience. Sadly, I did not have time to compose any music. Also, there is this weird sound issues where it cut off instantly that I can't seem to fix it.
And as always, tons of optimization issues waiting for me to improve.