Help Psyon in her quest !
Takes control of 4 uniques machines !
Psyon is a special creature and can take control of some machines.
Use them to reach your goal !
Collect crystals and rare orbs !Collect some Crystals and rare orbs for helping Psyon to her quest !
This game is a school project , we had about about 3 months and a half to create it.
You need a DS4 or Xbox One to play the game.
Credits :Disclaimer : There is only the links of the students who worked on the game, other credits are in the game.
- Nibofar : Progammer, Game Designer, Level Designer.
- Fr0oZz Fred : Game Designer, Progammer, Level Designer, VFX Artist, Artist 2D/3D.
- Rini : Artist 2D/3D.
- Ristu : Artist 3D.
- Tatiana : Artist 3D.
- Couette : Artist 3D.