Pub Crawl Nightmare
Pub Crawl Nightmare is a student project made for purposes of education. In pub Crawl Nightmare, a student has a wild dream following a night of heavy binge drinking. You must play the part of the beer bottle trying to find it's way home to the pub, before the timer runs out.
Look Around - Mouse
Jump- Space bar
Left- A
Right- D
Credits for any works not of my own creation are:
Music: “RainbowRush” -Yubatake(
Cloud model: “Low Poly free pack” - Axeyworks (Unity Asset Store)
Skybox Texture: “3 Skyboxes 2”–Bright Shining Star (Unity Asset Store)
Post Processing: Post Processing Stack – Unity Technologies
(Unity Asset Store)
Cinemachine: Cinemachine – Unity Technologies (Unity Asset Store)
Text Mesh Pro- Unity Asset Store
Any works I have neglected to credit through error, please feel free to let me know so I can correct the error.