Sling yourself through the air by catching flies with your tongue. Eating several things without touching the ground will score you a combo, so try to stay in the air for as long as you can!
The timer constantly ticks down; you can eat anything to keep it going a little longer, but watch out for ghosts which are lethal to the touch! You can stop bombs from exploding by eating them before they hit the water.
(if you have it) ESC Pause Alt + Enter Toggle Fullscreen
(Windows build only) Credits sarn Programming Oroshibu Music
Sound Effects THX Art SnakeBlock Art attfooy Visual Effects valentines Additional Art
Game design by everyone involved.
The OST can be found here.
Pullywog was made in 72 hours for Mini Jam 106,
with the theme "Frogs" and limitation "Limited Time".
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: May 20, 2022
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