Pulseless (Late Night Games)

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Pulseless is an arcade-style, top down shooter; with elements from a variety of classic survival games. The game mainly centers around its wave-based horde-mode experience, sound design in the style of classic arcade games and split screen multiplayer. Additionally, the arena features elements of procedural-generation; meaning that every play-through takes place in a new arena. How long will you last?

Pulseless features 50 unique weapons; all with their own special quirks and gimmicks. Some fire incendiary rounds, setting enemies ablaze; whilst others fire toxic sludge, causing enemies to become more vulnerable to damage.

Each weapon has their own, sometimes weird, niche; and its up to you to find out how to make the best use of them.

Pulseless also features a variety of enemy types, each providing a unique challenge when introduced into your run. There are enemies like the 'Pacer'; that runs ahead of the horde; shattering any bullets before they can harm the others.

Each enemy, although providing a challenge, has its own weaknesses and counter-strategies; and its your job to figure them out.

Ever wanted to drag a friend into the fray? Well now you can!.. kind of.

Pulseless also features full split-screen support for up to 2 players, allowing you to drag some poor lucky soul into the action with you.

Lastly, the game also features two alternate control schemes: an arcade inspired scheme and a generic top-down shooter scheme. These are only available when playing single-player.

Thanks for reading, feel free to give Pulseless a play!

#arcade #multiplayer #shooter #action #survival #retro #other #hordemode #topdown #arcadeshooter #shooter 

Release date
Late Night Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jul 17, 2020

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