Puzzle Pelago - A Drag&Drop Economy (Silent Alpha)
... a storm was raging some time ago!
In the islander's time of despair,
it takes a crafty mind to repair.
They tried to rebuild -
but it was a drag!
Call it a drop in the ocean.
Now you come along,
you and your bag,
and in it - the Drag & Drop Potion!
- Satisfy the needs of Homes by placing the respective Workshop right next to them.
- Create new Workshops by simply dragging them from other Resources or Workshops.
- Some Workshops can only be created by combining two Workshops!
How you need to place the Workshops, lay out the Roads, and combine Resources to produce new goods is all up to you!
Controls DevelopmentPuzzle Pelago is currently in silent alpha stage - The very basics are there, but there is no sound or music, and very basic UI.
I am a dedicated solo part-time dev - you can follow my regular updates on Twitter: @hallgrimgames
I intend to develop and publish Puzzle Pelago as a iOS/Mac/Windows game. There will always be a webGL (Demo) version available, as well.
Here is a rough road map for Puzzle Pelago:
Future Plans, Next Steps (Priorities)- Add some more content (i.e. Levels, Technologies like Flowers, Honey,...)
- Finalise UI
- Add music
- Add sound
- Add an Island Editor + Sharing
Not sure if I will get to these - I will make those a priority only if demand is high enough.
- Additional Game Mechanics
- Intro Cut Scene
- Have all the In-Game Text as poetry/in verse form
- Mobile Releases