Puzzle Tower (Etonio99)
This game was created for the GMTK Game Jam.
Due to real life events occurring during this jam, I had nearly no time to work on the game, but in the spirit of game jams I decided to upload it anyways.
You are a knight wandering through this castle, to find some good loot, and possibly a princess if there is one. Each stage is a puzzle that must be solved in order to ascend to the next level of the tower. The trick is that the guards have rigged their useful objects to only work once in your hands, and you must figure out how to use your resources wisely to continue searching the castle.
Move with 'A' & 'D'
Jump with 'Space'
Grab and Throw with 'E'
Drop items with 'S' + 'E'
Restart the current level with 'R'
Return to the menu with 'Escape'