Puzznic (itch)
Finally it is here! The puzzle game to top all puzzle games. 128 levels of frustration and excitement - that's Taito's latest coin-op hit, Puzznic! A game of fiendish perplexity and diabolical puzzles, Puzznic is set to take the world by storm! Just position the blocks and make them disappear. Sounds easy? Puzznic is a one-player game that is simple in execution and yet amazingly difficult to master. Addictive gameplay as you have never imagined! Get puzzled by Puzznic and be prepared for many long nights of frustration and excitement!
Use arrow keys to point on a block, then Shift to "grab" it, and, at last, left or right arrow key -- to move it. As easy as pie.
To turn blocks icons mode on or off, press Space. This mode is on by default, and it's more twisted, as every single time you start playing the game, icons are set for blocks randomly.
R -- restart current level
Esc -- return to the main menu
The source code is available on GitHub.