Pyramid Sim

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This is your chance to explore the great pyramid of Giza without requiring a trip to visit Egypt.

A 3D walking simulator of the great pyramid of Giza in Egypt also known as the Khufu or Cheops pyramid. Walk outside along the Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure pyramid complex and explore inside the great pyramid of Giza. 

  • Website: Brad App List
Game Features
  • Accurate size Khufu, Khafre, Menkaure, and queens' pyramids.
  • Accurate distance between the Khufu, Khafre, Menkaure, and queens' pyramids.
  • Accurate size interior passages and chambers of the Khufu pyramid.
  • Third or first person mode.
Pyramid Khufu Interior Features ItemIncluded Original EntranceY Robbers TunnelN Descending PassageY Subterranean ChamberY Subterranean Chamber Dead-end CorridorN Ascending PassageYWell ShaftNGrottoNQueen's Chamber Horizontal PassageY Queen's ChamberY Queen's Chamber NotchNQueen's Chamber Air ShaftsN Grand GalleryY King's Chamber Ante ChamberYKing's ChamberYKing's Chamber Air ShaftsN King's Chamber SarcophagusY Game Menu MenuEsc/Ctrl + PMusic (100%/75%/50%/25%/Stop)\ Player Menu Move (forward/left [strafe]/backward/right [strafe])W/A/S/D
Look (left/right)Mouse
CrouchLeft Alt
Roll2x Left AltSprintLeft ShiftWalkLeft CtrlAimRight Mouse ButtonMenu + SelectQ + Mouse WheelRotation mode1, 2Change Camera ShoulderTap CChange Camera Third/First personHold CRagdollXMeshMHUDTab Notes Buildings

The buildings were added to add atmosphere to the game but they don't exist at the real pyramid complex.


My model is not an exact model that recreates every stone of the pyramid. I used materials to approximate the look of both the inside and outside of the pyramid.


Some of the inaccuracies are because I did not have complete information on the pyramid when making the model.

Below are the known inaccuracies but there are likely more. If you find more inaccuracies please leave them in the comments.

  • No corbel walls in the grand gallery.
  • The entrance to the queens chamber is to the left of the stairs and should be in the middle of the stairs.
  • The passageways do not have stairs in the real pyramid.
  • My great pyramid entrance is on the south side but on the real pyramid it is on the north side.
  • The walls of the Descending Passage below the surface should not be lined with stones because it was carved out of the ground; however, I am not sure what it looks like.

I might correct some of these inaccuracies in the future with updates if there is enough interest in the game. 

  • 3-13-2023
  • Known Bugs: None
  • Unreal Engine Version 4.27
  • The inside of the great pyramid was designed using Unreal Engine 5 because it has better modeling tools than Unreal Engine 4. 
  • Due to some technical problems that I encountered I decided to port the game back to Unreal Engine 4.
  • Epic Games Vehicle Game
  • Advanced Locomotion System
Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Mar 20, 2023

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