Quack Attack (Team Five, Szun Kidd Choi, Darvin Muralitharan, Alexa Rose)
You play as a rubber ducky, working as a programmer's assistant. It's January 13th, National Rubber Ducky Day, and you were supposed to be taking a relaxing bath but here you are watching people code, horribly.
After watching awful code get made for hours on end, you snap and go to your rubber ducky peers to plan. Together, you plan to overthrow the government and make your own, one with Rubber Ducky Day a federal holiday.
Attacking the government is no easy task however! You must avoid hazards and poor architecture throughout each room. The government has also employed its own office supplies as a defense and you must fight your way through them.
Quack Attack is being developed by Team Five at Rochester Institute of Technology. You can give feedback about our game here!