Quantum Clash
Induce destructive particle-antiparticle collisions, but keep the green particle safe at all costs!
CONTROLS: Left click and hold to repel particles from the cursor within the cursor's vicinity (indicated by the dark circle). P to pause.
This was made in under 3 hours for Trijam #145, under the theme "Anti-[you choose]." I chose to base my game around antimatter--specifically, the observed nature of a collision between a particle and its antiparticle that results in their mutual annihilation. This is reflected by the objective of the game, which is to annihilate all particles but the green one. This is the first game jam I've done in a while, so even though this game isn't the best, I'm proud I pulled it off.
You can read more about antimatter here (yes, it's real).
All assets were made by me within the 3 hour time frame.