Queen's Gambit
Your castle is being invaded by your long lost love. Soldiers are getting ready to fight. You can't tell them to stop; but a little sabotage here and there wouldn't be bad.
Good luck on your defence and don't forget to support your comrades :)
( Also, don't skip the main menu without listening to the music,
Adrian did a fantastic job <3 )
-------- GAMEPLAY --------
Sabotage the certain resources in your castle to support your hero. Decide which element to sabotage depending on your soldier distribution. Try to be as efficient as possible. Available sabotages are :
- Poison the food pots : Soldier's that ate from the pot dies after some time.
- Disrupt the citizens : Reduces the spawn rate of soldiers
- Impair weapons : Soldier's longsword will be replaced with a broom (less damage)
- Spread war blessing : Generate a random boost for your hero
- Ruin the water well : Sabotage speed goes up by a certain percent
Making sure that the hero reaches safely is actually quite challenging. Consider yourself as a winner even if he dies midway. At the end of your day, you succeeded at defending your castle :)
But if you are a real gamer, you should be able to progress by the soldier's failure and sabotage your way to the victory. Good luck :)
-------- CONCEPT--------
This is something I like to do before starting to develop a game. I always sketch out the screens that are most important to have in my mind. Then I think about what do I require, can I do it in this time slot and so on...
Don't forget the power of planning :)
-------- CONTROLS --------
Movement : A W S D
Jump : Spacebar
Left Shift Hold : Sprint
Interact/Sabotage : E (Keyboard)
Switch Cameras : 1 (Keyboard) / 2(Keyboard)
Toggle Off Sabotage UI : R
-------- USED ASSETS --------
SYNTY Knights & Fantasy Package
Longsowrd Animations (Combat)
Some animations are from Mixamo.
Other than these everything is done by hand. SFX, music and so on...
Hope you like it :)
Adrián Cortés (@acortes_music)