Quest For Gory
This is a point and click adventure game inspired by the Sierra games of the 80s and 90s.
It was built in 48 hours as part of Ludum Dare #43.
Click on the ground to walk around.
Click on various objects to inspect or interact with them.
Click on items in your inventory, then click on objects in the world to attempt to use that item on the clicked object. (Example: using a key on a locked door)
Esc key will exit the game
Unity 2018.1 for rendering
Blender for modelling, animating
ManuelBastioniLAB plugin for Blender for creating human models
Substance Painter for texturing
Photoshop for icons and sprites
Bfxr for sound effects
Computoser for music
System requirements for PC
Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019
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