Quick! Mom's Home! (Demo)
Quick! Mom just pulled into the driveway and you haven't done any of your chores! Better get to them quick or you'll get grounded!
Nobody like getting grounded! Especially if that means you can't run you empire and even worse, no video games!
Build your empire, do your chores, and procrastinate!
The demo features four chore mini-games, and the ability to start your very own lemonade stand empire. The player can upgrade their tools as well as their empire to become the most efficient at procrastinating.
This project has been in development since the start of the year.
To learn more about this project, visit dacomicgirl.com where the developer posts Devlogs every Saturday @ 8 a.m. PST
Check out the Facebook page!
Also you can follow the developer on twitter @DaComicGirl
IOS Users!
Sadly I was not able to create a build that can be downloaded here. However, if you would like to be apart of the IOS beta testers, you can visit my website for instructions on how to download the demo for IOS.
Download IOS Version