Rad the Rat
Rad the Rat is a 2D platformer inspired by games on the GBA where you can use your tail to traverse big levels full of collectable slices of cheese and bread crumbs. You will be able to travel around a house, where every room is it's own level, along with other subareas for small challenges. A new feature added is a level editor, where you can experiment with the games mechanics and build your own challenges (saving will be added in the future).
The game is in a prototyping (?) phase right now, and will hopefully be turned into a full game in the future. The game lacks some stuff like a pause menu, settings and some other UI, but that will be added eventually. There are some known bugs that will be fixed in future versions. Please leave some feedback!
Arrow keys - Move
X - Jump
C - Grab/Release
WASD - Move
Left click - Build
Right click - Remove
Q/E - Pick between objects
Enter - Test
Arrow keys - Select button
X - Press selected button